FBI "Loses" Five Months Of Text Messages Between Anti-Trump Agents

FBI "Loses" Five Months Of Text Messages Between Anti-Trump Agents(

submitted  ago by ChangingPerspectives to news (+140|-0)

Unsealed FISA Court Ruling Shows 85% of Obamas FBI and DOJ 704-5 FISA Searches Were Illegal and Illegally Provided to Government Outsiders

Unsealed FISA Court Ruling Shows 85% of Obamas FBI and DOJ 704-5 FISA Searches Were Illegal and Illegally Provided to Government Outsiders (

submitted  ago by Joker68 to politics (+208|-8)

'Very Suspicious,' 'Hard To Believe': Congressional Investigators Call BS On FBI Losing Strzok-Page Texts

'Very Suspicious,' 'Hard To Believe': Congressional Investigators Call BS On FBI Losing Strzok-Page Texts (

submitted  ago by fluxusp to news (+86|-0)

Who's Lying: FBI Says 5 Months Of Texts "Lost," Yet IG Horowitz Says His Office Received Them In August (

submitted  ago by NeedleStack to politics (+49|-1)

Since the FBI says they lost some text messages, why don't they just ask the NSA for backups?(whatever)

submitted  ago by Caveman_in_a_suit to whatever (+94|-0)

Rep. Jim Jordan is FED UP, Demands Second Special Counsel After FBI Loses Peter Strzok's Text Messages

Rep. Jim Jordan is FED UP, Demands Second Special Counsel After FBI Loses Peter Strzok's Text Messages (

submitted  ago by Scrooblemeyer to politics (+20|-0)